Travel Alarm Clock v3.18

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This FREE No Nag Screens full function multi-time-zone Atomic Alarm Clock allows you to define time zones and wake-up times to as many cities and countries as you want.

Set the alarm time and leave your laptop PC on over night and your computer will wake you up in the morning.

Just think, no matter where you are you can always wake up to your favorite MP3 Music or CD, even Mpeg & AVI Videos! Whats more, if you leave the Travel Alarm Clock program running while you are on the web it will automatically set your PC time to the atomic clock time which is accurate to the second.

Audio Alarms include:

  1. Play CD music
  2. Play MP3 music
  3. Play MPG,MPEG & AVI Videos
  4. Play MIDI music
  5. Play WAVE files
  6. Play SYSTEM sound
  7. Talking Alarm Clock (win2000) Speaks the Time of the Alarm
  8. Custom messages to wake you up
  9. Run PROGRAM of your choice

Visual Alarms include:

  1. Alarm Clock Pops Up and becomes Visible
  2. Lips move when Talking Alarm Clock is saying the time
  3. Text changes color for each alarm
  4. If a Video is selected it will be shown
  5. Flashing Tool Bar
  6. Flashing Alarm Time
  7. Flashing Task Bar
  8. Taskbar Clock changes color
  9. Red Text for Warnings

Also included:

  1. Time Sync your Computer to the Atomic Clock
  2. Snooze Alarm
  3. Volume
  4. Options
  5. Event Time Calculator/Alarm Set
  6. Alarm Clock

Future Updates:

  1. Gradually increase Alarm Volume over time to peacefully wake you up

If the Travel Alarm Clock is missing an Option or Enhancement you would like to see then contact FireCharts and at no cost they will be added or changed. The goal is to make this Alarm Clock "The best darn alarm clock on the web."

1) Travel Alarm will say the hour on the hour. To turn off "say hour every hour" >> Alarm | Misc Settings | uncheck Say Hour Every Hour |.

2) Travel Alarm will start when ever windows starts. To turn off Auto start with windows >> Alarm | Misc Settings | uncheck Automatically Runs when Windows Starts |.

3) Travel Alarm will show the correct time for the city you have selected. To turn off showing correct timezone in task bar >> Alarm | Misc Settings | uncheck Show City Time in Task Bar Clock |.

4) When the alarm is on Travel Alarm will do everything possible to make sure the computer does not shut down on its own and you miss the alarm. To turn off alarm security perminately >> Alarm | Misc Settings | uncheck Stop Hybernate and Stand-by |. Or you can temporarly allow Hybernate and Stand-by by simply turning the alarm off >> Alarm | OFF |. You can also turn off the alarm by double clicking the alarm time or music notes.

5) You can quickly make changes by clicking on the following items: Alarm Time, Music Notes, Atomic Clock and To Arrive at text.

6) To verify that the alarm will turn on click on "Sleep". It will verify that the alarm is on, you are not running on batteries (may run out over night) and the alarm is allowed for that day.

7) You can make the alarm not sound on the weekends by >> Alarm | Time Settings | Days Settings | Week Days Only |.

8) You can quickly set the basic alarm by either selecting the desired hour and minute or if you want to use it like an EGG TIMER simply select how many minutes from now (Now+) you want the alarm to trigger.

Click Here to Download the latest version of
Travel Alarm Clock


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